GEWA G5 - Support

GEWA G5 - Support

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions.

If the answers given here do not help you, please contact our customer service.

Please contact your nearest GEWA digital drums dealer.


You can find all manuals at:
Alternatively you can send us an email to

Please contact a GEWA Digital Drums dealer. You can find all our partners in the dealer search.

GEWA Digital Drums are exclusively available at selected retail partners. You can find current list in the dealer search.

3D Sonic Image is the term we use to describe the specific ambient sound of each acoustic GEWA sample. Unlike conventional reverb effects, this is not calculated, but actually recorded via the room microphones during the sampling process.

Aux1 – Aux4 are additional trigger inputs. Here you can add more pads to the drum set. Please remember to select the appropriate trigger settings for the channels.

No, the GEWA Digital Drums cannot be played with brushes.

No. The Bluetooth interface is purely an audio input for connecting playback devices to your module. Using Bluetooth headphones would not work due to Bluetooth latency, as all sounds would arrive with delay.

Yes. Since we use stereo jacks as standard for the trigger inputs on GEWA Digital Drums, all pads / triggers / cymbals with such a connector are compatible. Standard trigger presets already exist for the most common pads. Of course, you may have to adjust trigger settings to your preferences.  

Yes, no problem. For optimal trigger behavior with a double pedal, we recommend that you select the trigger preset “GEWA Kick 18inch DP” for the bass drum.  

All GEWA E-Cymbals are divided into 3 zones: Bow, Bell and Edge. This is even true for the hi-hat.

No, the switch only distinguishes between the switching states On and Off. No expression pedal can be used.

The Foot-Switch function can be assigned different parameters. Go to the “General Settings” menu and select the “Control Tab” in the second block. Here you can define the Foot-Switch function: Kit Select, Fixed Hi-Hat, Stage Mode, Song Player, Setlist Tile Change.

The volume ratios of Head & Rim are stored within the drum kit. In the "Kit Editor" menu you can select the individual zones and adjust their volume parameters.

Via the hi-hat calibration you define the optimal open/close position values for your hi-hat setup. First go to the “Trigger Settings” menu and select the hi-hat channel. As soon as you select the hi-hat pedal as a zone, the button “Calibrate…” appears. Press this button and follow the on-screen instructions.

No. The song player does have a loop function, but its possibilities are not comparable to those of a loop station.

Of course, mesh heads from other manufacturers can be used on GEWA pads as well! However, we do not recommend this, because we have put a lot of work into the development of the True Rebound heads to achieve an optimal trigger behavior in our setup.  

Yes, all internal GEWA sounds are multi-layer based. All sounds available at are multi-layer based as well!  

Yes, it is possible to import your own one-shot samples in various formats. Importing your own multi-layer samples is currently not possible.  

You can go through the following points for troubleshooting:

  • Cymbals properly connected to the module? (see cymbal manual)
  • If necessary, reload the default trigger settings.

You can go through the following points for troubleshooting:

  • Headphones connected properly to the module? (6.3mm jack output on the front of the module).
  • If you use a headphone adapter, test it on another device.
  • Check headphone volume (hardware knob 3).
  • Check the routing matrix in “General Settings” and reset it to default if necessary.

You can go through the following points for troubleshooting:

  • Hi-Hat properly connected to the module? (see instructions „Hi-Hat“)
  • Rubber spacer (rubber bumper) attached to the bottom of the clutch?
  • Does the upper ring of the hi-hat controller move up and down when opening and closing?
  • Calibrate the hi-hat. Pay attention to the position indicator (yellow dot).
  • If necessary, reload the default trigger settings


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